DIY Fixes for Common Issues

How to unclog a garbage disposal:

How to flush the condensate line:

How to change the batteries in your smart home deadbolt:

Winterizing / Covering outside spigots:

Dripping faucet / Extreme temps:

Changing a furnace filter:

Changing a humidifier filter:

Controlling the humidity settings in your home:

How to reset breakers:

How to reset GFI’s:

How to light pilot on hot water heater:

How to reinstall bifold doors that come off track:

How to shut the main water valve off:

How to turn the water off to the toilet if it’s overflowing:

Smoke detector batteries:

Appliance filters:

Adjusting screen doors:

How to pop the garage overhead door off the track for manual use:

How to check & adjust sensors on the overhead door: